Ob 3.27 prišlo do prometne nesreče, dve osebi odpeljali

Zgodilo se je med naseljem Podgrad in mejnim prehodom Starod.
Fotografija: A reminding photograph of a non graphic insurance or major collision advertisement. A while before this was taken with a destroyed wheel, a major road traffic accident occurred on this street severely injuring two motorists. This was partly done by speeding and lack of awareness. This rim positioned there acts as a still life also a reminder of unsafe and irresponsible driving despite it being the aftermath of the accident. FOTO: Mozamal Iftikhar Getty Images/istockphoto
Odpri galerijo
A reminding photograph of a non graphic insurance or major collision advertisement. A while before this was taken with a destroyed wheel, a major road traffic accident occurred on this street severely injuring two motorists. This was partly done by speeding and lack of awareness. This rim positioned there acts as a still life also a reminder of unsafe and irresponsible driving despite it being the aftermath of the accident. FOTO: Mozamal Iftikhar Getty Images/istockphoto

Ob 3.27 je na cesti med naseljem Podgrad in mejnim prehodom Starod, občina Ilirska Bistrica, osebno vozilo zapeljalo s ceste in se prevrnilo na bok.

Gasilci PGD Ilirska Bistrica in Podgrad so zavarovali kraj dogodka, odklopili akumulator in nudili pomoč reševalcem NMP Ilirska Bistrica pri oskrbi dveh poškodovanih oseb, ki so ju reševalci nato prepeljali v Izolsko bolnišnico, poroča Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje.

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