Peterica si bo razdelila 90 milijonov evrov

Zmagovite številke so bile 7, 8, 24, 34, 46 ter 4 in 8.
Fotografija: epa01190134 A undated handout picture supplied by German Deutsche Bundesbank shows a 38 million euro lotto jackpot in cash at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, Main. A spokesperson of the Deutsche Lotto- und Totoblock announced in Stuttgart that there were no winners of the weekend's 38 million euro jackpot and in the next drawing on Wednesday 05 December 2007 it will rise to the record mark of 43 million euro. Ten people were lucky having the correct six digits each winning some 600,000 euro. None of them, however, had the super number 0 to hit the jackpot.  EPA/DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK/HO
Odpri galerijo
epa01190134 A undated handout picture supplied by German Deutsche Bundesbank shows a 38 million euro lotto jackpot in cash at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt, Main. A spokesperson of the Deutsche Lotto- und Totoblock announced in Stuttgart that there were no winners of the weekend's 38 million euro jackpot and in the next drawing on Wednesday 05 December 2007 it will rise to the record mark of 43 million euro. Ten people were lucky having the correct six digits each winning some 600,000 euro. None of them, however, had the super number 0 to hit the jackpot. EPA/DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK/HO

HELSINKI – Skupina petih Fincev je v 11. krogu loterije Eurojackpot zadela znesek v višini 90 milijonov evrov. Gre za največji dobitek, ki so ga izplačali na Finskem. Zmagovite številke so bile 7, 8, 24, 34, 46 ter 4 in 8. Če si bo peterica dobitek razdelila enakovredno, bo vsak izmed njih prejel 18 milijonov evrov. Zmagoviti listek je skupina vplačala v nakupovalnem središču v finskem mestu Loimaa, 130 kilometrov zahodno od prestolnice Helsinki, poroča nemška tiskovna agencija dpa.
Osem jih je zadelo 3,5 milijona
Poleg skupine Fincev pa je osem ljudi zadelo 3,5-milijonski dobitek, med njimi pet Nemcev in po eden iz Finske, Hrvaške in Norveške.

Loterija Eurojackpot sicer poteka v 16 evropskih državah. Verjetnost, da bi v igri pravilno napovedali pet številk od 50 ter še dve od dodatnih 10, pa je ena proti 95 milijonom.

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