Negovana ženska duša: hoče, da ji nekdo reče, da je lepa

Hoče, da ji nekdo reče, da je lepa, poželjiva, čeprav je stara malce več kot petdeset let, da se z njo pomenkuje o drobnih, a lepih rečeh, ki polnijo in žlahtnijo.
Fotografija: Close up face of beautiful young woman covering her face by green monstera leaf while looking at camera. Natural smiling girl with green palm leaf. Portrait of beauty woman with natural makeup and freckles on skin standing behind big green leaves.
Odpri galerijo
Close up face of beautiful young woman covering her face by green monstera leaf while looking at camera. Natural smiling girl with green palm leaf. Portrait of beauty woman with natural makeup and freckles on skin standing behind big green leaves.

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